Upper eyelid correction

Eyelid correction with surgery

What does upper eyelid correction involve?

Do you feel like you look tired all the time, even when you are not? With sagging lids (ptosis) a person can appear truly exhausted. Droopy lids can even impair a person’s vision or lead to headaches or a feeling of fatigue. With upper lid surgery we correct sagging lids. As a result, you will once again have that alert, well-rested and fresh appearance everyone likes so much. For a relatively small procedure with minimal scarring, eyelid surgery yields wonderful results.

What does upper eyelid correction involve?

Do you feel like you look tired all the time, even when you are not? With sagging lids (ptosis) a person can appear truly exhausted. Droopy lids can even impair a person’s vision or lead to headaches or a feeling of fatigue. With upper lid surgery we correct sagging lids. As a result, you will once again have that alert, well-rested and fresh appearance everyone likes so much. For a relatively small procedure with minimal scarring, eyelid surgery yields wonderful results.

Why should I get an upper eyelid correction?

The skin around the eyelids loses its volume and elasticity over the years, causing your eyelids to start drooping. This can result in a tired appearance and even lead to headaches or visual impairment. Genetic factors, such as the shape of your eye socket, can make it so that even young people have this issue. Upper eyelid correction can lessen or completely remedy these issues. It is a pretty simple procedure with major results, a quick recovery time and long-lasting effects.

  • Volume loss eyelids
  • Genetic predisposition

The treatment

Before upper eyelid surgery can take place, the doctor will mark the area of the eyelid to be removed. We will then inject a sedative into the area around the eyes and wrap a sterile surgical drape around your head. The doctor will then remove the surplus skin. After this, he or she will stitch up the skin. The stitches will be placed along the fold, so they will be barely visible in due time. The entire procedure takes approximately 30 minutes.

Preparation: Arrive 15 minutes before the treatment in the clinic
Anesthetic: Yes
Duration: 30 minutes
Pain (0-10): 4
Safety: Extremely safe
Effect: +- 15 years
Check up: 7-9 days

Natural result

At The Body Clinic, we always aim to achieve a natural result. You do not need to worry that an upper eyelid correction will drastically alter your appearance. Upper eyelid corrections simply help you reclaim that well-rested, youthful look. You and your doctor will carefully go over your wishes during a consultation session. We guarantee a treatment tailored to your specific wishes, as well as to the natural shape and contours of your face.

Before and after the treatment

Before the treatment
  • We ask you to arrive minimally 15minutes in advance of your upper eyelid procedure.
  • To prevent bruising: Do not use dietary supplements, vitamins or fish oil capsules in the five days leading up to your treatment. Also, refrain from drinking alcohol for 48 hours before treatment.
  • In addition, we recommend you shy away from Aspirin, Naproxen and Ibuprofen, as these have a blood-thinning effect. Consult your doctor if you need these.
  • Arnica drops may be taken from five days before treatment until two days after.
  • Please avoid smoking for seven days prior to your treatment. Smoking and second-hand smoke can negatively affect your recovery. Smoking prior to your operation can lead to complications.

After the treatment
  • To prevent bruising and swelling post-treatment we offer direct cooling at our clinic.
  • Regular cooling and plenty of rest boosts your recovery time. We recommend cooling your eyelids for five to ten minutes every hour.
  • The first few days after your operation your eyes will appear blue and swollen.
  • We will schedule a check-up appointment one week after your procedure to remove your sutures and patches. Most of the swelling will have subsided after the first week and you will look presentable again.
  • You can start engaging in light activities, but we recommend avoiding physical activities such as heavy lifting and exercise for the first few weeks. This will markedly improve your recovery.
  • Upper eyelid corrections usually do not come with a lot of after-pain. Should you suffer from after-pain nonetheless, we recommend paracetamol/Panadol.
  • Please refrain from consuming alcohol during your recovery period, as this will negatively affect your recovery.
  • We also recommend you wearing sunglasses to protect your eyes against sunlight, harsh wind or dust particles.

Recovery time
  • Most patients recover within seven to ten days, meaning no swelling or bruising is expected after this.
  • Your scars will remain red for a while, but this will fade over time.

Effect duration
  • You will notice the full effects of your upper eyelid correction in approximately three to six months. These results tend to persist for 15 years.
  • By employing a good skin care regimen and living healthily you can maximise the benefits of your upper eyelid correction.

Free intake

Before your eyelids may be treated, you’ll need to make an intake appointment with one of our doctors, to verify if you qualify for this type of treatment. During this intake, one of our doctors will map out your health and discuss possible alternatives with you. We will also take photographs of the treatment area. We will discuss pre- and post-treatment regimes with you and any side effects or risks that might come with the treatment.


Upper eyelid corrections are very safe. Our doctors have years of experience and only use the safest substances and materials for this procedure. An upper eyelid correction is a fairly simple operation with a low risk of complications. Keep in mind that every type of operation bears its own risks, but they are minimal in the case of an upper eyelid correction.


Upper Eyelid correction Price
Upper eyelid correction surgery € 950


What does an upper eyelid correction cost?

At The Body Clinic we charge € 950,- for an upper eyelid correction. Included in this price is your non-binding intake and your check-up appointment.

How quickly can I get back to work?

After your upper eyelid procedure we recommend that you recover at home for five to seven days. Your eyelids may become a little swollen and you may experience some bruising. In addition, it will take a week before we remove your sutures and patches. If your job is physically demanding, we recommend that you take off a bit longer.

Can I wear lenses after my upper eyelid procedure?

You should not wear lenses directly after your upper eyelid correction, as touching your eyelids will negatively impact your recovery. We recommend switching to glasses for a full week after the procedure.

Can I wear makeup after my upper eyelid correction?

You cannot wear makeup immediately after your upper eyelid correction. No make-up should come in contact with the tiny wounds on your eyelids.

Can I exercise after my upper eyelid correction?

You may return to light exercise two weeks after your procedure. Avoid all exercise that bears the risk of putting pressure on the eyes and avoid all contact sports for at least a month.

follow to the letter. As PlexR stays within the superficial skin layers, no permanent damage can be done to the skin itself, as is the case with other laser treatments.

Where can I go in for a upper eyelid surgery

We would love to treat you at our Amsterdam clinic. During a noncommittal consultation, you and your treating physician will see whether the surgery is the optimal choice for you. To schedule a free consultation, you can contact us at 020-4638668, or send us an email at [email protected].

Make an appointment

For a treatment or a free and non-committal consultation you can contact us at our central telephone number or fill in the contact form on our appointments page.

Monday – Saturday: 08:00 - 19:00

Amsterdam, Haarlem, Utrecht, Eindhoven, Den Bosch, Den Haag, Duiven en Groningen

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