Before & after

A natural result

Under eye-bags and circles

Before and after

Crow’s feet

Before and after

Forehead wrinkles

Before and after
voorfoto vrouw voorhoofd
na foto voorhoofd vrouw

Nose correction

Before and after

Liquid facelift

Before and after

Chin correction

Before and after

Acne scars

Before and after
voorfoto littekens
na foto littekens


Before and after

Fuller lips

Before and after

Frown lines

Before and after

Nasolabial fold lines

Before and after
voor neuslippenplooi vrouw
na neus lippenplooi

Filling up the cheeks

Before and after

Gummy smile

Before and after

Filling up the temples

Before and after

Smokers’ lines

Before and after
voor foto rokerslijntjes
na foto rokerslijntjes

Earlobe rejuvenation

Before and after
voor foto oorlellen
nafoto oorlellen

Plexr eyelid correction

Before and after

Plexr smokers’ lines

Before and after
voor plexr boven lip
na foto plexr boven lip

Make an appointment

For a treatment or a free and non-committal consultation you can contact us at our central telephone number or fill in the contact form on our appointments page.

Monday – Saturday: 08:00 - 19:00

Amsterdam, Utrecht, Eindhoven, Den Bosch, Den Haag, Duiven en Groningen