Crow’s feet

Reduce smile lines

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The information on this page is medically approved by
Drs. Dionne Deibel

Crow’s feet

Crow’s feet are actually ‘happy lines’. You get them from laughing a lot. Although crow’s feet are often considered charming, you may not like to see them when your face is at rest or they may even run down along you cheeks. In such cases it is possible to treat the crow’s feet with botulinum toxin or fillers.

Crow’s feet

Crow’s feet are actually ‘happy lines’. You get them from laughing a lot. Although crow’s feet are often considered charming, you may not like to see them when your face is at rest or they may even run down along you cheeks. In such cases it is possible to treat the crow’s feet with botulinum toxin or fillers.

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Why treat crow’s feet?

For some of us, crow’s feet are a sign of graceful ageing. But when crow’s feet become so deep that they aggravate you at first glance in the mirror or when they start pulling vertical lines in your cheeks, you may decide to have these crow’s feet treated. If they are still fresh, a few injections of botulinum toxin will probably be sufficient. However, if it’s a matter of volume loss at the cheekbones, restoring the lost volume with injectable fillers may be the more desirable and natural way to go.

The treatment

Prior to a botulinum toxin treatment, the cosmetic physician checks the strength of your muscle contraction. Next, the physician marks the areas for injection on the skin. Then, a small amount of fluid is inserted by means of a very thin needle. These injections feel a little ticklish, but anaesthetic is not required. After treatment you can carry on with your daily activities as before.

Price: From €210,-
Anaesthetic: Not required
Duration: five minutes
Pain (0-10) 3
Product: Azzalure
Safety: Extremely safe
Duration of the result: 3-6 months

Natural result

A natural result – that is what we stand for at The Body Clinic! The frozen faces found in the media and all the glossies do not reflect our clientele. The doctors of The Body Clinic pay great mind to all of your wishes and possibilities before they deliver a personalised opinion that matches the natural features of your visage. We prefer to treat a single area with Botox in order to let you get used to the effect, before we – if desired – treat multiple areas. ‘Less is more’; that is our philosophy.

Before and after

Before and after treatment

Before the treatment

No anaesthesia is necessary when undergoing a Botulinum toxin crow’s feet treatment. Before the doctor injects the filler, you’ll be asked to smile so as to make your crow’s feet apparent. After this, the injection sites can be marked.

After treatment

We advise you not to take any exercise on the day of the treatment – no yoga either – and to regularly flex your crow’s feet, in other words: laugh! You may not lie down for two hours after your treatment.

Recovery time

A Botulinum toxin procedure seldom shows any give-away signs. So this procedure rightly deserves its lunchtime treatment reputation.

Effect duration

After the first few treatments, the results should remain visible for three to four months. If you visit more frequently, the results might stay for five months on average. This varies from person to person.

Free intake

Before any treatment, we at The Body Clinic offer our clients free, no obligation consultations with any one of our doctors. During these intakes, our doctors consider possible medical objections to desired treatments, map out problem areas and give personalised advice, tailored to your situation. If you wish, you may receive treatment immediately following intake.


Botulinum toxin is an extremely safe product. Because this product is subject to pharmaceutical legislation, before it was allowed onto the market years were spent studying its effectiveness, side effects and complications. Some claim Botulinum toxin is dangerous because it is, indeed, a toxin. However, the toxicity of products depends entirely on their dosage. If you take one Panadol, it may relieve your migraine, but were you to take thirty, you would run the risk of damaging your liver. The same holds true for Botulinum toxin. The dosages used by the doctors at The Body Clinic are so low that they are not harmful or toxic.


Treatment botox Price
One area (forehead or frown or crow’s feet) € 210
Two areas € 360
Three areas € 470
Double eyebrow lift € 210
Baby Botox 1 area € 105
Baby Botox 2 areas € 210
Baby Botox 3 areas € 295
Baby Botox 4 areas € 360


Is it possible that my eyebrows will droop after an anti-frown treatment with Botulinum toxin for crow's feet?

With the correct injection of Botox, there is no reason to fear that your eyebrows will droop. On the contrary. The crow’s feet muscles pull the eyebrow down a little. When these muscles are frozen temporarily, the eyebrow muscles will be able to perform better. Some even see a lifting effect in the eyebrows after an anti-crow’s feet treatment.

Won't it look unnatural if I can't use the muscles in the crow's feet area any longer?

Of course something will change around the eyes. Some people do not like the look of Botulinum toxin treatment in this area. A filler in this area may be the right solution. In a free, no obligation consultation one of our physicians will show you what happens to your skin and offer tailor-made advice.

What is better for crow's feet? Botulinum toxin or a filler?

We prefer using Botulinum toxin for crow’s feet. If wrinkles are deep, we may suggest using a filler additionally. Sometimes only a filler around the eyes is an option. You may rest assured that our physicians will advise you on your options so you know whether Botulinum toxin or a filler is best for you.

After the Botulinum toxin wears off, won't the crow's feet come back stronger than before?

On the contrary. Because you haven’t exercised the muscles responsible for crow’s feet for a while, you may have partially lost the habit of using them. Furthermore, since the area treated with Botulinum toxin has not been active for several months, the skin has had time to recover beautifully.

Make an appointment

For a treatment or a free and non-committal consultation you can contact us at our central telephone number or fill in the contact form on our appointments page.

Monday – Saturday: 08:00 - 19:00

Amsterdam, Utrecht, Eindhoven, Den Bosch, Den Haag, Duiven en Groningen

Botox behandelingen

  • Drooping corners of the mouth
  • Anti perspiration
  • Frown lines
  • Chin wrinkles
  • Crow's feet
  • Migraine
  • Wrinkles
  • Bruxism
  • Forehead wrinkles
  • Gummy Smile Visible gums
  • Eyebrowlift