Liquid facelift

Age vibrantly

hugo ammerlaan arts the body clinic 1

The information on this page is medically approved by
Drs. Hugo Ammerlaan

Liquid facelift

The Liquid Facelift is the first real alternative for an surgical lift for faces showing medium to light sagging skin. Administering injectable fillers freshens up the whole face. You will notice a great improvement in the skin. It becomes tighter and more luminous. A liquid facelift takes years off your face.

Liquid facelift

The Liquid Facelift is the first real alternative for an surgical lift for faces showing medium to light sagging skin. Administering injectable fillers freshens up the whole face. You will notice a great improvement in the skin. It becomes tighter and more luminous. A liquid facelift takes years off your face.

  • liquid facelift gallery 1
  • liquid facelift gallery 6
  • liquid facelift gallery 2
  • liquid facelift gallery 5
  • liquid facelift gallery 3
  • liquid facelift gallery 4

What is a liquid facelift?

Even though our cells continue to renew all our lives, our bodies age. How fast we age depends on our lifestyle, genetic factors and on how much wear and tear we suffer. When you feel your outside no longer matches your inside, it’s time for a liquid facelift. A liquid facelift enables the restoration of the skin that shows light to medium sagging. In the past, a facelift involved cutting skin away to obtain a lift; a liquid facelift uses injectable fillers to restore lost volume.

  • You keep your natural look
  • Restoration of the V-shape of the face
  • No surgery required
  • No surgical anaesthesia required
  • No scarring after treatment
  • Short recovery time
  • Direct results
  • The client can see what happens while it’s happening.

The treatment

Our physicians use temporary injectable fillers based on hyaluronic acid to carry out a liquid facelift. After photographing the treatment area, and after you have filled out the health and treatment forms, we rub an anaesthetic cream into the treatment area. Next, we use ultra thin (cannula) needles to administer the filler. This replaces the volume lost and recreates the face’s V- shape, restoring lost freshness and giving you that rested look. The results are immediate. Please note that prices advertised in our videos might differ from current prices.

Price: From € 1.100,- 3 ml
Preparation: Come to the clinic 30 minutes before treatment
Anaesthetic: Yes, cream
Duration: 30 minutes
Pain (0-10): 5
Product: Hyaluronic acid
Safety: Extremely safe
Duration of the result: +/- 12 months

The areas

Depending on the shape of your face and your wishes, we restore lost volume with the use of hyaluronic acid. The most popular areas for a liquid facelift are temples (1), cheekbones (2) and nasolabial foldlines (3). This helps restore the natural V-shape of the face, which we associate with youthfulness. Other areas are cheeks (4) corners of the mouth and jawline (5).

Of course we will discuss beforehand what areas need to be treated. In our practice, we aim to only restore volume that was lost as a result of normal ageing, by which we mean to say that you don’t have to fear ending up with a ‘pillow face’ or a ‘totally new face’. Depending on the amount of volume lost, we will choose a Minilift, V-lift or a liquid facelift.

liquid facelift gebieden

Natural result

For a liquid lift the doctors at The Body Clinic tend to use more filler than for other types of procedures. Because the filler is spread over multiple areas and injected into a deeper layer of skin, this type of treatment will in fact provide a very natural result. Moreover, our doctors use fillers based on hyaluronic acid. This is the only type of filler that can both be actively dissolved and provide natural stimulation and hydration to the face.

Before and after photo

What lift or liquid lift works for you?

If you have vital skin and slackness is mild, a mini-lift (3 – 5 ml) is probably all it takes. For vital skin with medium slackness, the V-lift (5 – 7 ml) is the better option. If your skin’s quality is not so good and you have medium slackness, our physicians will probably suggest a liquid facelift (7 – 9ml). During a free, no obligation initial consultation our physicians will discuss your options with you.

Before and after the treatment

Before the treatment

Would you be so kind as to arrive 30 minutes in advance of your liquid lift, so that we can apply the numbing (Emla) cream? You may take 1x 10 mg of Cetirizine on the day of the treatment to counteract the swelling. To prevent the formation of bruises: Before your treatment, we advise you to quit taking dietary supplements, vitamins and fish oil for five days. Also, do not consume any alcohol for 48 hours before treatment. Make sure, possibly in consultation with your doctor, to not to take any Aspirin, Naproxen or Ibuprofen, as these medications have a blood-thinning effect. You are, however, permitted to take Arnica drops, starting five days before and continuing until two days after treatment, as these drops will in fact minimize the chances of bruise formation.

After the treatment

Please do not apply any make-up on the treated area during the first few hours post-treatment. Avoid any and all sunlight on the treated area for a full week (this includes the tanning salon), and make sure to protect the area with a powerful sunblock for the first few weeks after treatment. We advise you not to visit your beautician for any beauty treatments to the treated area for the first two weeks after your procedure.

Recovery time

After a liquid lift, you might experience bruising and swelling in the first few days. The swelling will only subsist for a few days. You may camouflage this bruising at any time following treatment.

Effect duration

The results of your treatment will be directly noticeable. The final result will appear after two weeks, and you will be able to enjoy this for approximately 12 months.


Free intake

You will be offered a free, no obligation intake to meet the attending physician and to consider facets of treatment such as risks involved, results, expectations and aftercare. Your wishes and expectations are central to the consultation. Having been rated 9 out of 10 by more than a thousand satisfied clients, we consider it crucial that you share your expectations with us. Only then our physicians can see if your dreams can be fulfilled. After the free intake you will receive personalised and honest advice. And if you wish, you can have treatment straight away.


For a liquid lift, our doctors at The Body Clinic use the hyaluronic acid brand Princess. This is a highly safe hyaluronic acid that has been commercially available for a very long time. Forty million procedures have been carried out with it so far. Because the skin naturally contains hyaluronic acid, the chances of side effects – such as an allergic reaction or rejection – are extremely slim. Should you experience some small irregularities or asymmetry after treatment, you need not worry. Hyaluronic acid is the only type of filler than can be actively dissolved. This means we can deliver a tailored result and dissolve any possible surplus of filler.


During your free and non-binding intake our doctor will discuss with you the most suitable concentration of fillers for your liquid facelift.

Treatment Price
Liquid facelift 3 ml from € 1.100
Liquid facelift 4 ml from € 1.400
Liquid facelift 5 ml from € 1.700


What's the difference between a liquid facelift and a regular one?

Regular facelifts require removing a small section of skin in order to tighten the rest. The skin is lifted, so to speak, and then secured at the hairline. A liquid facelift results in practically the same by adding volume to the face. Often a liquid facelift is the better option, for instance in cases of volume loss, as it is less risky than a surgical facelift. It is not as major. However, when the lower part of the face is very slack, a surgical facelift may be the right course of action. In your initial consultation with one of our physicians you’ll be given personal and honest advice.

Do I need a full liquid facelift?

In case of medium to severe slackness, a full liquid facelift can be the right course of action. In case of light to medium slackness, a mini-lift may be the better and less expensive option. The difference between these two treatments is the volume in millilitres used for the treatment of several facial areas.

What is a mini-lift?

A mini-lift is a liquid facelift that requires less filler because the skin shows less severe slackness. This makes treatment less intensive and cheaper. A liquid facelift requires on average between 6 and 9 millilitre of hyaluronic acid. A mini-lift between 3 and 6 millilitres.

Do I qualify for a liquid facelift?

There are very few known contra-indications. We don’t perform treatment on pregnant or breastfeeding women, however. Neither do we recommend treatment in case of certain rare autoimmune diseases. In addition, not all wrinkles can be treated. The decision regarding treatment lies with your physician.

Won't a liquid facelift treatment make me look unnatural?

The pillow faces that we see these days are the result of incorrect filler use. If the face is naturally voluminous or the skin has severe slackness, adding a large quantity of filler can result in an unnatural look.
This is why we always conduct a free, no obligation first consultation at The Body Clinic. This helps us determine if you qualify for a liquid facelift and what the quality of your skin is. We will give you tailor-made advice. This is why we at The Body Clinic prefer to treat step by step, instead of going for the big blow-up effect at once.

When you're carrying out a liquid facelift, do you use Botulinum toxin at the same time?

A liquid facelift is a procedure that consists of filler injections only. The filler restores the loss of volume. But if you wish, a procedure with Botox can be included in your treatment, e.g. to reduce the appearance of a frown or wrinkle in the forehead. You can indicate all your wishes at the initial free consultation or even at the time of treatment.

What does the technical term 'whole face approach' mean?

This refers to the way our physicians consider a client’s face. A liquid facelift is only about restoring volume with fillers. But when we talk about a whole face approach, we add Botulinum toxin, to e.g. treat crow’s feet, a frown or lines in the forehead.

What about using the body's own fat as a facial filler?

If large volumes are needed, for instance to fill out cheeks, using the body’s own body fat may be an option. However, we don’t offer this procedure at The Body Clinic. One of the reasons is that the body partly dissolves its own body fat. Another is that today’s fillers allow for much more refined precision applications. And a last reason is that some areas are simply less suited to fill out with body fat, such as smoker’s lines, tear troughs and lips.

Is a liquid facelift painful?

Whether or not a liquid facelift is considered painful depends on the person. If you have a fear of needles, it will be uncomfortable. However, we do use a topical anaesthetic cream, which numbs the sensation and makes treatment less uncomfortable. The filler itself contains lidocaine, which works as an anaesthetic too. We will take our time and we have experience with people who don’t like needles.

How long does a liquid facelift treatment take?

A treatment takes approximately 30 minutes.
In order to have the anaesthetic cream applied and wait for it to kick in, you’ll be asked to come in at the clinic 30 minutes before treatment.

Do The Body Clinic's physicians have proper experience with this treatment?

The liquid facelift is our claim to fame. We’ve been offering this treatment since 2009. Because all our physicians perform the liquid facelift on a daily basis – three, four times a day – they are widely experienced.

What kind of fillers does The Body Clinic use for the liquid facelift?

We like using Princess for our liquid facelift. Princess is a hyaluronic acid and so it can be dissolved actively. Over 40 million of these filler injections have been sold worldwide so far.

Can a liquid facelift result in lumps and bumps in the face?

We always use a hyaluronic acid for liquid facelifts. This acid does not produce granulomas (lumps and bumps). In the old days, permanent fillers were used. These are manufactured to remain inside the skin indefinitely. The body’s immune system sometimes revolts to such substances. These fillers are no longer permitted. If hyaluronic acids build up, please note that these lumps are innocent. They will disappear of their own accord, or one of our physicians can dissolve them by massaging the area. For dissolving built-up, we use Hyason.

When can I get back to work?

Impossible to say – it’s a personal thing. But if you have ever tried fillers before, this will be a fair indication for you. Following a liquid facelift, it usually takes 3-4 days before you’re fully presentable. Any small swelling will have disappeared by then, and if there still is a little bruising, this can be easily covered up with make-up. We recommend that you read our protocol before treatment, so you can read up on what you can do to prevent bruising.

How long will I enjoy the results of my liquid facelift?

On average you may enjoy the effects for approximately a year. Some loss of volume during this period may occur because the body dissolves some of the hyaluronic acid. Therefore some people choose to visit us again for a 6 months’ touch-up treatment.

Once the hyaluronic acid used for the liquid facelift has stopped working, will I have more wrinkles than I had before?

On the contrary. Hyaluronic acid is a bioactive substance that improves skin structure by hydration and collagen formation. Because of the firmness added underneath and inside the skin, wrinkles and lesions cannot develop as easily. If you’ve been treated with hyaluronic acid for a couple of years, wrinkles won’t return as deeply as they were before. In some cases, therefore, there may be some permanent improvement. Of course, lifestyle is always a major factor.

Make an appointment

For a treatment or a free and non-committal consultation you can contact us at our central telephone number or fill in the contact form on our appointments page.

Monday – Saturday: 08:00 - 19:00

Amsterdam, Utrecht, Eindhoven, Den Bosch, Den Haag, Duiven en Groningen

Filler treatments

  • Cheekbones
  • Jawline
  • Lines around the mouth
  • Fuller lips
  • Liquid facelift
  • Corner of the mouth fold lines
  • Nose correction
  • Nasolabial fold lines
  • Acne scar removal with fillers
  • Filling up the temples
  • Under-eye bags and circles
  • Filling the cheeks
  • Chin correction
  • Earlobe rejuvenation