
Consult or treatment

Direct contact

Geopend Ma.– Za.


Als u het onderstaande formulier invult nemen we contact met u op.

We are open

The Body Clinic is open for treatments and has strict COVID-19 protocols.

Consult at The Body Clinic

A consultation at The Body Clinic for a cosmetic treatment is free of charge. During the consultation, your wishes will be discussed with you and one of our doctors. If you would like to be treated immediately after the consultation, we would like to ask you to indicate this when making the appointment.

Consult at De Huidkliniek

A consultation at De Huidkliniek for skin therapy, laser treatments, lymph taping or fat freezing costs € 35. During the consultation you can ask questions about a product, treatment and / or a skin condition. If you proceed to a treatment, these costs will be settled with the costs of the treatment.

Medical emergencies

For medical emergencies outside our opening hours, we are available at: 06-14990449


The doctors at The Body Clinic are BIG registered and affiliated with the NVCG. Drs B. Biermans is KNMG Cosmetic Doctor.

Locations The Body Clinic

The Body Clinic has clinics in Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Hague, Haarlem, Den Bosch and Duiven (Arnhem). Our clinics are open from Monday to Saturday.


Cancellation of an appointment at The Body Clinic must be done no later than 48 hours before the start of the appointment via 020-4638668 or [email protected]. If you have a cold, cough and / or are ill, we ask you to reschedule the appointment to another time when you are free of complaints for at least 24 hours.

Complaints and disputes committee

If you have complaints or disputes with one of our doctors, you can contact the DOKH.

Company details

KvK: 69107467
BTW: NL 850022058B01

Locations The Body Clinic

The Body Clinic Amsterdam

Achillesstraat 85
1076 PX, Amsterdam
[email protected]

The Body Clinic Utrecht

Jan van Scorelstraat 19
3583 CJ, Utrecht
[email protected]

The Body Clinic Duiven (regio Arnhem)

Ploenstraat 30
6921 PN, Duiven
[email protected]

The Body Clinic Den Haag

Parkstraat 101
2514 JH, Den Haag
[email protected]

The Body Clinic Haarlem

Antoniestraat 79
2011 CP, Haarlem
[email protected]

The Body Clinic Den Bosch

Oude Vlijmenseweg 114
5223 GS ‘s-Hertogenbosch
[email protected]