Ultrasound: a revolutionary step for injectables safety

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Innovation in the aesthetic medical world never stands still. Its focus is not only on the development of products such as injectables, but also on ways to improve the precision of injectables. The use of ultrasound in an aesthetic procedure is one of these innovations. It is a technique that uses sound waves to visualize internal structures of the body. The precision of injectables is almost as important as the injectable itself to achieve the most beautiful and natural results. It also allows the physician to work more safely.

What is ultrasound?

Ultrasound works by emitting non-audible sound waves that are reflected back by organs in the body. These reflected sound waves are captured and converted into images that become visible on a monitor. This allows the doctor to view the body’s internal structures such as organs, tissues and blood vessels. It also uses a specially developed gel on the skin that provides good conduction of these sound waves. Ultrasound also does not involve radiation. Ultrasound is therefore a safe and non-invasive method for examining the body.

How does ultrasound make injectables safe?

Ultrasound can not only show the tissues in the body, but also indicates where previously injected fillers are located. This allows a doctor to accurately administer a new treatment. Moreover, there is growing evidence that filler can last longer than originally expected. In this way, unwanted accumulation of fillers can be prevented, or even ultrasound removed. Not taking these situations into account can result in unnatural results.

In addition, ultrasound also shows the exact anatomy of the face. This allows us to see where the blood vessels are and allows us to treat with greater accuracy. Finally, ultrasound is also effective in treating a complication. If there is a clogged blood vessel or lump due to filler, ultrasound gives us the ability to visualize the filler and its size so we can more easily correct the problem.

This approach makes treatments safer and optimizes the results of a new filler treatment. Ultrasound is a wonderful development in aesthetic medicine and is likely to become more common in the future. For a natural outcome, these kinds of developments are very important. After all, we want your beauty to shine!

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