Healthy skin from the inside out

bart biermans arts the body clinic 1

You don’t get healthy skin just by using the right skin care, but it is also important to keep your skin in good condition from the inside out.

Fall is coming again, typical fall/winter ailments…colds, sore throats, flu…yuck, you want to avoid this and get rid of it as soon as possible. But how? It is especially important in winter to take care of your skin from the inside out to restore its radiance and boost your immune system! The following products are rich in vitamins and minerals (antioxidants) and increase your resistance!

Garlic bewast strong antibacterial properties and supports good cardiovascular health. In addition, garlic has medicinal properties due to the sulfur-containing substance allicin. When allicin is digested in your body, it releases substances that fight free radicals.

We’ve reported it before, the pumpkin is a real vitamin bomb! It is very high in Vitamin A (and we all know Vitamin A is good for the skin), B, C and E. Pumpkin also contains a high concentration of minerals, such as copper, iron and magnesium and Omega 3!

They are high in Vitamin A, B and C and minerals (such as Potassium), high in fiber and beta-carotene (pro vitamin A).

They are low in fat and high in Vitamin B, protein and minerals (such as magnesium, phosphorus and iron). In addition, lentils contain a lot of fiber. They also contain a lot of iron (good for your energy levels!).

Also very rich in Vitamin A, B, C, E and K and minerals! Coriander has a diuretic effect. Traditionally, coriander has been used to treat gastrointestinal ailments, headaches, insomnia and anxiety attacks.

healthy skin

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