Preventing Aging – Top 5 Collagen Boosters

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Collagen plays a crucial role in the firmness, elasticity and youthfulness of our skin. As we age, the natural production of collagen decreases. This leads to visible signs of aging. This is the reason why with age we get more wrinkles, fine lines and sagging skin. In the past, fillers were mainly used to reduce these effects. Today, there are many ways we can stimulate collagen production to slow down skin aging. In this blog, we explore the top 5 collagen boosters. This is how we help you maintain radiant, youthful skin.


Sculptra is an injectable that stimulates the production of your own collagen. The active ingredient is poly-L-lactic acid, which is natural and safe. This injectable stimulates collagen production for improved skin volume and reduced wrinkles. After the injection into the skin, collagen production starts after about 4 weeks. Sculptra stimulates natural collagen production, so results take several weeks to show. The collagen stimulation creates a natural effect where the skin is more youthful and firm.


Polynucleotides stimulate fibroblasts in the skin to produce more collagen and elastin. The polynucleotides are derived from salmon DNA, so unfortunately they are unsuitable for people with fish allergies. By stimulating fibroblasts, the skin becomes firmer and more supple. Philart Eyes is one of the products in which polynucleotides are used. This injectable is quite unique because it can be injected very close around the eyes. The polynucleotides are immediately broken down by the body and therefore do not stay in place as with a filler. The effect is visible quickly and can last for a year.

Radiofrequency treatments

A treatment that uses radiofrequency energy heats the skin with energy waves. This heat penetrates the deeper layers of skin and stimulates skin cells to produce more collagen. The result is firmer and youthful-looking skin. The Body Clinic offers two treatments using this advanced technology. The Morpheus8 combines radiofrequency with microneedling to treat various indications. You can think about treatment of acne, scars, fine lines and wrinkles, and skin texture. The NeckTite is particularly intended for tightening sagging skin. It is used to reduce a double chin, or to eliminate a turkey neck, for example.

Laser Therapy

Fractional laser therapy is an advanced solution for collagen stimulation. This laser addresses skin problems such as scars, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. In addition, fractional laser treatment is also good for skin firming and rejuvenation. The technique stimulates the production of new collagen by creating microscopic holes in the skin, resulting in a firmer and smoother skin surface. This therapy is particularly effective for improving skin texture and smoothing the skin. This results in firmed, rejuvenated skin with improved skin texture. The Body Clinic does not offer this treatment so far, but who knows, you may soon be able to visit us for your laser treatment.

Chemical peeling

While not all peels stimulate collagen, a few of the deeper peels do have this property. The TCA peel uses trichloroacetic acid to deeply exfoliate the skin. It removes damaged skin. The skin responds to this deep exfoliant by starting the natural healing process. This significantly increases collagen production, which firms and rejuvenates the skin. Thus, fine lines, wrinkles and scars are reduced and skin texture is also addressed.x

Wondering how best to keep your skin young? Book a free consultation now!

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