Interview with Dr. Zein Obagi in Talkies Magazine

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Kristina Bozilovic and – fan of the brand Obagi – Monique Des Bouvrie had an exclusive interview with dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi at the Hilton in Amsterdam for Talkies Magazine.

Dr. Obagi hits the nail on the head during his presentation, “Almost all beauty products you buy at the perfume store don’t work! Why not? Because most of them aim to only moisturize and stimulants are barely present.’ So. The tone is set. Obagi: “The most common complaint, especially from women, is dry tight skin. That is because they make that skin that way, by using supposedly hydrating products that provide the skin with ready-made moisture in the form of cream. As a result, the skin no longer does its best to retain moisture. And so you always feel like you have to re-lubricate. So this way you only make your skin lazy and addicted to these kinds of creams.’

Zein Obagi’s products are available at our clinics.

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