Liquid Facelift

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A young, fresh and positive look. Surely everyone wants that. Injectables may be the answer. When you look good, you also feel good and radiate this. You are more confident and comfortable in your own skin. Your exterior and interior back in harmony!

The liquid facelift is a method in our practice that allows the restoration of slight sagging in the face. Unlike the usual facelift, where part of the skin is cut away to create a lifting effect, the liquid facelift uses restoration of volume to create a lifting effect. So a facelift without cutting, without surgery. New developments make it possible to perform much and sometimes the entire liquid facelift with cannulas. By using a cannula, the risk of damage and bruising is very low.

At The Body Clinic, a natural result, with the use of safe means, is paramount: Less is More!

A liquid facelift costs us from €800.

The durability of a liquid facelift averages one year.

The areas we can treat for this are: cheekbones / nose-lip fold / corners of the mouth / cheeks / jawline.

Call immediately to make an appointment: 020-4638668.

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