10 tips against excessive perspiration

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In this blog, I will give you 10 tips against excessive sweating and discuss sweating in general.

10 tips against excessive perspiration

Perspire, or sweat, we all do. However, some perspire more than others. You may be sweating more than usual; this is called excessive perspiration (hyperhidrosis). In everyday life, excessive perspiration can be a major hindrance to you. Below I provide 10 tips against excessive perspiration, you may find the solution here to combat this annoying problem.

  1. Nutrition – eat less spicy

    Certain spices, pepper, onions and garlic can aggravate sweating. Therefore, pay close attention to your diet.

  2. Hygiene – showering daily

    Daily showering is important to control bacteria in the sweaty area. I also recommend cold showering after, this way you keep your body temperature down.

  3. Clothing – wear clean clothes every day

    Sweat stays in your clothes. By wearing clean clothes daily, bacteria from old sweat cannot have a chance.

  4. Material clothing

    Wear clothing made of natural materials, such as cotton. This allows the skin to “breathe” better, also do not wear clothes that are too tight.

  5. Shaving

    If you suffer from excessive perspiration in the armpits, it is wise to shave this area regularly. Bacteria will thus have less of a chance to take root, reducing your unpleasant odor.

  6. Preventing stress

    Stress is a factor that makes you sweat even more. If you already suffer from excessive sweating, it is important to avoid stress as much as possible.

  7. Avoid caffeine and alcohol

    Caffeine activates the body and raises your body temperature, resulting in sweating. Alcohol has the ability to dilate your veins and signal your sweat glands to get to work. Swap coffee or alcohol for a glass of cold water. Drinking plenty of cold water keeps your body temperature down.

  8. Deodorant – Pharmacy

    Sweat does not naturally smell; it is the bacteria that give it an odor. You can get deodorant that actually removes bacteria at the pharmacy. You may often use these only once a week.

  9. Weight

    Being overweight and sweating go hand in hand. Therefore, always try to maintain your weight.

  10. Botox against excessive perspiration

    If the above tips are not a solution for you and your daily life is still affected by excessive perspiration, an anti-perspiration Botox treatment may be able to help you solve this problem. Botulinum toxin (Botox) blocks the nerve that controls the sweat gland. Two weeks after the treatment, you will no longer sweat. During the period when you are no longer sweating, you will also not suffer from unpleasant odors.

Sweating is normal

Sweat is a clear, salty liquid produced by glands in your skin. The droplets of moisture that come to rest on the skin cool down, thus cooling of the body takes place. Heat, emotions, tension and exertion make it normal for a person to sweat. There are also certain factors that can trigger sweating. Consider, for example, highly spicy foods, hormonal changes or alcohol and drug use.

The function of sweating

Sweating is a way to regulate our body temperature. As soon as the body temperature gets too high, a signal goes from the hypothalamus (a part of our brain) to our nerves. The hypothalamus is also called the “thermostat” of our body. The central nervous system is very precise in regulating body temperature. In fact, too low or too high a temperature can be fatal. As soon as the body temperature threatens to exceed 37 degrees, a start signal is given from the nerves to the sweat glands. The sweat glands then go to work hard to lower body temperature.

Excessive sweating

Excessive sweating involves constant excessive production of sweat without anything to do with regulating body temperature. Excessive sweating, also known as Hyperhidrosis, can be divided into primary Hyperhidrosis and secondary Hyperhidrosis.

Primary Hyperhidrosis

In primary Hyperhidrosis, a person perspires excessively due to an overactive nervous system. The hypothalamus in our brain continuously gives the wrong signal to our nervous system, causing the sweat glands to be misdirected. Primary Hyperhidrosis is limited to areas such as armpits, palms, soles of the feet and face, often with hereditary predisposition.

Secondary Hyperhidrosis

Secondary Hyperhidrosis involves excessive sweating due to a physical or psychological cause. Excessive sweating can occur all over the body, is often sudden, and is the result of another condition. Consider, for example, medication use, a hormonal change, an illness or obesity.

Literature List

[1] Konstantinovsky, M. (2020). Why do we sweat?

[2] Sato K, Kang WH, Saga K, Sato KT. (1989). Biology of sweat glands and their disorders. I. Normal sweat gland function. J Am Acad Dermatol; 20: 537-63.

[3] NIH (2019). Hyperhidrosis. Retrieved from:

[4] Stachenfeld, N. S., Silva, C., & Keefe, D. L. (2000). Estrogen modifies the temperature effects of progesterone. Journal of Applied Physiology, 88(5), 1643-1649.

[5] Kim, T.-W., Shin, Y.-O., Lee, J.-B., Min, Y.-K., & Yang, H.-M. (2011). Caffeine Increases Sweating Sensitivity via Changes in Sudomotor Activity During Physical Loading. Journal of Medicinal Food, 14(11), 1448-1455.

[6] Yoda T, Crawshaw LI, Nakamura M, Saito K, Konishi A, Nagashima K, Uchida S, Kanosue K. (2005). Effects of alcohol on thermoregulation during mild heat exposure in humans. Alcohol. 2005 Jul;36(3):195-200.

[7] Bouwens, S., Mare, S. & Visch, M.B. Botox for axillary hyperhidrosis in daily practice.

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