2017! Een gezonde start!

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It is January 2017, another new year. We all have good intentions. Some stop smoking, others start exercising (more). Why don’t we just start eating healthier? Healthy eating makes for a healthy body and beautiful skin. You feel fitter and get more energy. A healthy lifestyle does not have to be complicated at all. Here are some simple tips to achieve a healthier diet.

Tip 1: Green up your menu

Meat or fish is often the most important part of our meal. Turn it around and give vegetables the lead role. Prepare different vegetables and you’ll get to that 250 grams a day. A few simple changes can make a big difference.

Tip 2: Go for the good fats

Good fats lower your cholesterol levels. How to get them in? For example, eat a handful of unsalted nuts a day, put oily fish on the menu every week and eat avocado more often.


Tip 3: Drink sensibly

An adult needs one and a half to two liters of fluid daily. The best thirst quencher is water, because it contains no calories. Good news: you can change the flavor of this simple drink all the time.


Tip 4: Buy consciously, cook for yourself & eat mindfully

For a healthier diet, buy consciously, prepare your own meals and eat mindfully. Complicated? No way, preferably eat at the table, take your time with a meal, chew slowly, read labels carefully on what exactly is in them, use a small spoon, etc.


Tip 5: Take a day without meat more often

Regularly taking a day without meat is good for yourself and the environment. Fortunately, there are lots of tasty ways to replace meat.


Tip 6: Refresh your breakfast & lunch

Have breakfast and lunch with something other than a sandwich. It’s delicious and also smart: by combining and varying, you can easily get more different nutrients.

Tip 7: Watch for hidden sugar & salt

Many products contain more sugar and salt than you think. Even products you wouldn’t expect at all. For example, smoked sausage, pizza margherita and ready-made pasta bolognese contain a lot of salt.


These simple tips will get you a long way toward a healthy lifestyle!

Source: Allerhande January 2017

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