Bart Biermans is a contributor to

bart biermans arts the body clinic 1

August 2016

Our doctor Bart Biermans, in addition to being a cosmetic doctor at The Body Clinic, is also training to become a holistic therapist. In addition, he is Ice Man trainer. He has been a contributor to Holistik since this month. Bart will occasionally write an article on a variety of topics which belongs to

Holistik is the honest voice within the range of lifestyle magazines. Together with a team of contributors, we create daily enriching, personalized content on nutrition, health, relationships, love, sex, travel and spirituality. Holistik is an initiative of Evelyn van Hasselt (1977) and Karlijn Visser (1986). They met in 2009 and became friends. Together they founded Goodiebag Girl, a company that grew into connecting agency Friends of the Brands (FOTB). FOTB connects brands with influential audiences through innovative event concepts such as The Gift Suite and Like My Brand. In the spring of 2015, Visser and Van Hasselt decided to follow their hearts and set up Holistik. In doing so, they are fulfilling their desire to make the world a more beautiful place. Karlijn and Evelyn do not create Holistik alone, but work with a team of contributors.

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Mission Bart Biermans as contributor at

“I want to take you on a journey inward, deep into the body, where a wealth of wisdom, intuition and power lies hidden. With my background as a physician, I want to approach this in a scientific way. I will show you how the physiology changes when you learn to breathe again. How the PH restores itself in the body and processes start functioning optimally again.”.

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