The 6 vitamins that make you more beautiful inside & out!

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You could almost say that these days you need a whole alphabet of vitamins and minerals to look healthy. If you’re going for healthy nails, shiny hair and want flawless skin, then you need to pay close attention to what foods you choose. We would like to give you a hand to list some of the important vitamins for you. What do they do for you and what are they in?

Vitamin B
We are especially fans of vitamins B3 and B6.
B3 ensures a good night’s sleep and combats impurities.
B6 helps keep your skin supple and soft and prevents flaking.
What’s in it?
Both vitamins are in salmon, two/three times a week a nice grilled piece of salmon or other fatty fish will do wonders!

Vitamin D
Strong bones and strong teeth? Vitamin D contributes to this. Sunlight also contains vitamin D and that makes us happy!

Should you prefer to avoid the sun a bit but want to get vitamin D, you can go for a fish like mackerel.

Vitamin C
One of the most important vitamins for your resistance, among other things.
Vitamin C also works well as a powerful antioxidant. It ensures healthy gums, strong hair follicles (result: beautiful, shiny hair) but also to prevent pimples.
What’s in it? Orange juice, peppers. (Especially the yellow one is a topper, followed by the red one)

Good fats
Did you know that your body needs good fats for such things as a radiant appearance? They regulate sebum production and keep your skin supple and glowing.
They also protect blood vessels so the risk of burst veins on your face is reduced.

In addition, good fats provide transport and absorption of vitamins A, D and E.
What’s in it? Nuts, avocados and olive oil.

Vitamin A
Very important for firm and hydrated skin. In creams, this vitamin is often added against wrinkles. But you can also get it without cream!
What’s in it? Don’t be alarmed, but a red pepper works wonders! If you dare; half a pepper a day incorporated into dishes.

Vitamin E
Yes, this is a very fine one. Vitamin E is found in dark chocolate. So from now on you may snack undisturbed.
Anti-aging vitamin E is found in cocoa. The purer the chocolate the more antioxidants.
In addition, this vitamin helps skin become more even and radiant. Cocoa also contains sulfur, important building blocks for beautiful hair and strong nails.
What’s in it? You already know, chocolate. And especially the pure variety (at least 85%), a piece a day does a lot for your skin.

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