The Care Newspaper writes about ‘losing weight with injections’ at The Body Clinic

mirthe van der putten arts the body clinic 1

Our doctor Mirthe van der Putten talks about “losing weight with injections” at The Body Clinic in the Care Newspaper. She explains how the drug works and how you can join us for this revolutionary waste method. Read the article below:

The revolutionary method of losing weight
Medical weight loss at The Body Clinic

A new waste medicine has recently become available in the Netherlands. The drug has been found safe and effective by the Ministry of Health and the results have been revolutionary. The medication is self-administered by the client daily with mini-injections. In conjunction with an appropriate diet and counseling, this method proves particularly effective. This makes losing weight and staying at a healthy weight finally achievable for more people.

Injections to lose weight

The punctures are very small and easy to administer yourself. The action of the drug in the injection is similar to the natural GLP-1 hormone. It regulates appetite by decreasing the feeling of hunger and increasing the feeling of satiety. This causes people to eat less and thus lose weight. The injections are available by prescription only.

New and revolutionary waste method

Weight loss methods abound, but a method with injections that makes losing weight truly possible is new. Thereby, the results of the drug prescribed in the weight loss program are absolutely revolutionary. The drug recently became available on the Dutch market, but has already completely conquered the markets of the United Kingdom, Denmark and the United States. Based on the action of the satiety hormone, it helps people lose weight effectively and sustainably. It is minimally invasive and the participant can use it independently and easily.

Groundbreaking results

The SmPC (Summary of Product Characteristics) study shows that the drug prescribed in combination with a lifestyle change achieved an average of 8% weight loss. That is groundbreaking to say the least. In doing so, most of the weight loss occurred in the first 4 months. In addition to weight loss, participants measured a decrease in abdominal circumference, glucose levels and a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

In addition, the drug lowered the risk of developing type II diabetes. SmPC studies are used by the Medicines Evaluation Board (CBG) when approving medications.

Opportunity to lose weight under supervision

Medical weight loss is possible at The Body Clinic and is done under supervision. To determine the weight loss course, a consultation with a physician is always started. For medical questions or complications during the weight loss program, the client has access to his/her own physician; in addition, a nutrition coach provides first-line support.

Experience story Ellis

“For 2 years I have been trying to lose my stubborn pregnancy pounds. When I read about losing weight with injections I did extensive research and decided I would make 1 last attempt. I am now 4 weeks later, 5 kg lighter and feel much better. The injections really do what it promises: it takes away your feeling of hunger and gives a satiated feeling.”

If you are interested in losing weight with injections, you can visit one of our seven locations for a consultation with our doctor.

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