Botox not only for wrinkle treatment

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If you ask me which Botox treatments I enjoy the most, I don’t have to think long about this. Although for me the liquid facelift (see earlier column) provides the greatest satisfaction in terms of creativity, the most rewarding treatments in my field are the Botox treatment for migraine/muscle tension headaches and for excessive perspiration. I think it’s time to write a column about this because, to my surprise, hardly anyone knows about the existence of these treatments.

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Botox against migraines

Although treatment does not always work, more than 90% of my clients suffering from muscle tension headaches or migraines have a slight to marked improvement on the headache symptom pattern. You may find that seizures decrease in severity, duration or frequency. In some cases, the headache even disappears completely.

Not much is known about the origins of migraine/muscle tension headaches. Several factors probably play a role. Because Botox relaxes the muscles in the frown, it eliminates a factor in the causative mechanism, reducing migraines/headaches in most cases. In some cases, this even means that medication prescribed by GP or specialist can be stopped. A nice touch is that if you have a wrinkle in the frown, it will also diminish.

After I review with you in the intake session whether your headache is suitable for treatment with botox, 5 small punctures are made in the frown muscle with an injection needle. Botox for migraines is not considered painful by most people. Apart from some slight redness and swelling which will disappear after a few hours, there are no side effects associated with this treatment. On average, you will enjoy between 3-6 months of treatment.

Botox against excessive sweating

Treatment with Botox for sweating can be a godsend for some people with excessive sweating under the armpits. In this case, Botox acts on the production of sweat in the sweat ducts, greatly reducing sweat secretion. Both people who sweat a lot under the armpit and those who want dry armpits for cosmetic reasons are eligible for this treatment. About 12 punctures are taken per armpit and you usually enjoy this Botox treatment for 4-9 months. Other than some mild swelling and redness, there are no side effects with this treatment. No need to take time off from work and no one will see that you have been treated.

Bart Biermans
Physician The Body Clinic

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