Get rid of it: Lines

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The problem: “Last January, the inevitable happened: I turned 32. And the moment people start congratulating you on your 21st birthday, you know you are officially getting old. I experience proof of that on Saturday mornings these days, when after a short night and long drink, I may find that my pillow print remains on my face at least until after lunch. That seems to have something to do with skin elasticity, but at least the result reminds me of a surly dog. Add to that the inevitable lines, pigmentation and other thirtysomething woes, and I find that, by way of a belated birthday present, I can go through the surgical car wash.


The intake: “On a serious note. I don’t dare, need or want the real cutting and chopping, so I’m looking for something less invasive: lasering. I report to The Body Clinic, a cosmetic clinic right on Amsterdam’s Vondelpark. Treating doctor Bart is not only three months younger than me, he also has the white sneakers I want. For this young man to sit on my vain snout I find little encouragement. But he has (a) applied the method to itself, (b) I get to see the after pictures, and (c) he is not deformed now. He tells me that for young skin, the treatment is mainly a good pick-me-up, but that I should not expect spectacular results. This is only for people who have thick smoker’s skin, for example, or acne scars. So I get light treatment.


The treatment: First, a numbing cream is applied to my face, which has to take effect for an hour. Then my eyes are taped off (for radiation) and the assistant is called in to extract the smoke. Excuse me? ‘Here it comes,’ said Bart. Dzzzinnggg. I smell burnt hair and something chickeny, but mostly I feel a vicious sting. And that for half an hour. ‘On character,’ I moon myself. Then I get antibiotic cream, cooling pads and an aftercare (no going outside for two days, lubricate well, don’t itch). In the evening: tickle! And bloodstains. And a bright red canis with plaid pattern. I’ll stay inside for now.


The result: ‘After a week of strange looks, mirror avoidance, facial dandruff and will-this-never-be-good panic, a new, baby pink layer is revealing itself under the remnants of my aged skin. Soft. Smooth. Beautiful. Fresh. That pink tan will stay for a while, but a little makeup works wonders. I doubt if people really rate me 21 now, but that pillow print and spots are gone.’

Fractional laser

There are all kinds of lasers and the quality – and therefore the results – vary. At The Body Clinic, we work with a fractional Candela laser because it is safe and the skin recovery time is short (5-7 days). Because only a portion of the skin is treated, from within the untreated skin, the healing process can begin quickly (unlike a resurfacing laser, which takes the entire skin with it). The laser sends tiny heat columns through the skin, prompting it to form new collagen. As a result, the skin becomes smoother, thicker and more supple. For people who desire: smaller pores, better skin texture, reducing lines and scars and pigmentation.

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