How do I find a good cosmetic doctor?

bart biermans arts the body clinic 1

More and more is possible; you no longer have to go under the knife for new breasts, face-lifts are performed with a few injections, but how do I find a doctor who can do this well?

Just start with Google; key in the doctor’s name and see what is found. It is more important not to end up with a bad doctor than to find the best one.

If you are a member of the Consumers Union, check out their site, they have been testing doctors and clinics for the past 3 years.

Expensive clinic or doctor with many titles says nothing. A plastic surgeon with many titles to his name can cut quite well, but for injectables, you need a doctor who does this a lot. Many plastic surgeons do not have much experience with injectables.

See if the doctor is a member of the Dutch Cosmetic Medicine Association ( , this is an association that ensures quality standards for cosmetic doctors who are members of this association.

Last but not least. How do you feel about your doctor? Does he listen to your needs or start a smooth sales pitch? Does he discuss multiple options, educate about risks and possible discomforts after treatment?

Above all, don’t be rushed and make an informed decision about the treatment that is best for you.

Bart Biermans,
cosmetic doctor

Source: monetary classes edition April.

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