SOS: What to do about itching after shaving?

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Itching after shaving is very annoying. Bumps, pimples they are the worst enemies. There are numerous ways to try to eliminate itching. But what really helps? Maaike Dorsteen of Holland’s ‘cutest wrinkle blog’ Furrow did some research and asked our skin therapist Dionne Linskens about it. Read the entire article below.

Skin therapist Dionne Linskens, The Body Clinic “That itching should be seen as a natural reaction of your skin to shaving. In fact, by shaving, you cause a slight irritation to your skin. Even if you don’t use any caring products afterwards, you can still suffer from itching after shaving. Not only are the hairs cut, but shaving also affects your skin itself. Whether you do it dry, or wet, and no matter how good your razor is, the mechanism of shaving an sich causes irritation.”

In principle, the itching does not hurt, provided, of course, that it is not inflammation or infection. Still, it is advisable not to scratch adrift. “If you start scratching, you destroy the epidermis. If you can hold back, rubbing is an option, though. Sometimes the itching is really intolerable and then you could possibly consider using a menthol or talcum powder to soothe your skin again. Just be sure to use only products that do not contain irritating ingredients.”



Even after epilation or waxing, your skin can be all over the place: “In epilation and waxing, you pull at the skin and remove the hair follicles. Because of this, you may not only suffer from itching afterward, but also red dots. Those are the hair follicles that you pull out with you. It doesn’t hurt, but it is wise to leave your skin alone for a while. Especially when it comes to sensitive areas like your bikini line and armpits.”

It seems tempting, but if you suffer from sensitive skin, it is even advisable not to use caring products at all after shaving.“Basically, you don’t need that at all. After all, your skin has an enormously good repairing capacity of its own and is often quite capable of solving it itself.”

If you really can’t resist and would still like to use a conditioning cream afterwards, at least look carefully at the ingredients. “Aloe vera, panthenol, bisabolol or menthol will reduce itching and can possibly soothe your skin again.”

source: furrow

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