Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in our bodies and helps retain moisture in the skin. As we age, the level of hyaluronic acid in everyone’s skin decreases. The result is less moisture and [...]
For our cosmetic clinic in Amsterdam Oud Zuid we are looking for a hostess / assistant (part-time 6 to 10 hours per week) starting January 2021. Perfect for alongside your studies or for a fun [...]
In the video below, our doctors Bart Biermans and Nagita Grover look back at 2020 and discuss current and new trends in cosmetic treatments, among other things.
Corona has caused all kinds of changes in our daily lives. Whereas we used to take a brief look in the mirror before going to work, today we are constantly confronted with ourselves. Meetings [...]
Everyone frowns, some more vehemently than others. Over time, the frown line may remain in the skin. Frequent frowning creates a permanent line between the eyebrows. This may result in an angry [...]
Confusion about “lips” is a common topic with us in the clinic. We receive many requests in which people indicate they would like to treat their lips with botox. There is talk of [...]
It is very important to be well informed if you want to have cosmetic treatment done. Go to a clinic where the doctors (BIG registered) are well trained and provide good education. Don’t go [...]
Why should you choose hyaluronic acid? Treatment with hyaluronic acid fillers can be the solution to volume loss, wrinkles and contour reduction in your face. There are several brands of [...]
There are several types of fillers on the market. At The Body Clinic, we use fillers based on the body’s own substance hyaluronic acid. This substance is already found in the skin. [...]
If you are interested in treatment with botox, it is wise to know what botox is and exactly what it does prior to treatment. This will give you a good idea of whether botox is right for you at [...]