Why should you choose hyaluronic acid?

Treatment with hyaluronic acid fillers can be the solution to volume loss, wrinkles and contour reduction in your face. There are several brands of hyaluronic acid fillers on the market. At The Body Clinic, we use three A-brands; Restylane, Saypha and Teosyal. After treatment with hyaluronic acid fillers, you will have your youthful fresh look back. However, we at The Body Clinic do strive to achieve natural results to achieve this.

Volume loss

Everyone experiences volume loss in the face as you age. Fortunately, at The Body Clinic, we can give you a hand to counteract this process somewhat. Of course, it is not intended to be extremely visible that you have had something done. Together with the doctor, you will discuss what you have in mind to walk out the door with a youthful fresh look.

What is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a substance native to the body. This substance is already naturally present in the skin, but decreases in quantity as you age. This results in less volume and less elasticity causing wrinkles. Tens of millions of treatments have been performed with hyaluronic acid over the last 20 years. So we can speak of safety. Hyaluronic acid has a stimulating effect on collagen with the result that wrinkles will fade and volume and elasticity are restored in the skin.

Is hyaluronic acid temporary?

Hyaluronic acid fillers are indeed temporary. After about 9 to 12 months, fillers dissolve. However, how quickly this happens varies from person to person, but assume an average of 12 months. Because hyaluronic acid fillers are temporary you are not stuck with them forever like with permanent fillers. You will just not be satisfied and then? So, hyaluronic acid dissolves on its own after 12 months or you can make an appointment to have the hyaluronic acid dissolved with the so-called “antidote” hyalase. This can be done by appointment at our clinic. Hyaluronic acid also has a very small risk of hypersensitive or allergic reactions. Noting that it is a body’s own substance, fillers are sometimes called the “natural filler.

Hyaluronic acid for more volume

Hyaluronic acid fillers are not just for aging people. Young people may also need fillers, of course you must be over the age of eighteen. The purpose of young people is often different from that of people who are older. In young people, we often do not speak of volume loss. Still, treatment with fillers is possible because you want more volume in a particular area. This is possible. You can make your lips fuller and more contoured. Adding more contour to the jawline and cheekbones is also a common treatment in young people. Young or old, hyaluronic acid fillers are suitable for anyone over the age of eighteen.

Hyaluronic acid experiences

The Internet is full of experiences about fillers with hyaluronic acid. Temporary and permanent fillers are often confused with each other. Also, every doctor is different. Whether filler treatment is right for you is best determined after a consultation with a licensed physician. A consultation is completely non-binding and can be scheduled in Duiven or Amsterdam. We would be happy to advise you personally whether hyaluronic acid-based fillers are suitable for your needs.

Hyaluronic acid experiences

If you are curious about hyaluronic acid experiences from our clients you can look here.

The Body Clinic locations

Doctors at The Body Clinic are BIG registered, members of NVCG and cosmetic doctor KNMG. We have a clinic in Amsterdam and Duiven.
Call us now for a free consultation: 020-4638668 or by email: [email protected].

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