How does your skin get through the winter healthy?

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Winter brings coziness, but the cold temperatures and dry air can take a toll on your skin. Fortunately, there are some effective treatments and products that can help you maintain that healthy, radiant glow even when the temperatures drop.

Choose a solid day cream

A good solid day cream is essential to protect your skin from the cold and dry air. Look for a cream rich in nourishing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, vitamin E and ceramides. These ingredients help retain moisture and strengthen the skin barrier.

Hydrafacial for deep hydration

A Hydrafacial is an excellent treatment to give your skin a boost of hydration. This treatment combines cleansing, exfoliation and hydration in one, leaving your skin looking fresher and healthier. The advanced technologies in a Hydrafacial can reduce dryness and give your skin a radiant glow.

Profhilo for optimal hydration

If you’re looking for deeper hydration, consider the Profhilo treatment. Profhilo is an innovative treatment that injects hyaluronic acid directly into the skin. This hydrates the skin from within and gives it a natural, youthful appearance. This treatment is ideal for people who suffer from dry skin during the winter months.

What sets Profhilo apart is the technique by which it is administered. This treatment requires precise expertise and can only be performed by an experienced physician. The hyaluronic acid is injected with small injections directly into the skin at specific points. The skin is optimally hydrated in all layers of the skin. Also in the deeper layers, where a face cream cannot reach.

One of the benefits of Profhilo is that it not only provides deep hydration, but also improves skin texture and firmness. Over time, many people notice a reduction in fine lines and improved elasticity.

It is important to emphasize that Profhilo is a medical procedure and should only be performed by a qualified physician experienced in cosmetic treatments. Choosing a skilled professional is crucial to achieving the best results and minimizing potential risks.

Exfoliate regularly

Regular exfoliation is important to remove dead skin cells and keep your skin looking fresh and radiant. Choose a mild exfoliant suitable for your skin type. Excessive exfoliation can damage the skin, so be careful and don’t do it more than twice a week. AHAs, such as glycolic acid and lactic acid, are water-soluble acids that gently exfoliate the top layer of the skin. They are ideal for improving texture and reducing fine lines. BHAs, such as salicylic acid, are fat-soluble and penetrate deeper into pores, making them particularly suitable for people with oily or acne-prone skin.

Protect your skin from outside influences

When you go outside, make sure you properly protect your skin from the cold and wind. Wear a scarf to cover your face and use a moisturizing lip balm to prevent chapped lips.

By combining these tips and treatments, you can maintain your skin’s healthy glow even during the coldest months of the year. Always remember to seek professional advice for the best results. Interested in a Profhilo treatment? Then book a no-obligation consultation with our doctors.

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