Baby Botox lets wrinkles soften

mirthe van der putten arts the body clinic 1

Baby Botox lets wrinkles soften

What is baby botox?

Baby Botox is really nothing different from a regular Botox treatment, only with a lower dose. This is why this treatment is also called Botox light. In almost every cosmetic clinic, doctors work with zones of Botox and one zone of Botox is the minimum purchase. For example, one area could be the forehead, frown, crow’s feet or a gummy smile. One zone of Botox is equivalent to about 20 units; with baby Botox, half a dose, or 10 units, is used on two zones.

Baby botox is the most popular treatment

Botox is still the most popular injectable in cosmetics. This does not surprise us at all, as you achieve wonderful results in a short time and that with just a few pricks without any recovery time. Botox is perhaps the most popular injectable yet the image of Botox is not always positive. One quickly thinks of “frozen face” where facial expressions are far away. If you are afraid of this then baby Botox can be a nice alternative.

Baby Botox is suitable for:

People who have only slight wrinkles. These people may choose to divide an entire dose into 2 zones. For example, 10 units in the forehead and 10 units in the crow’s feet resulting in a natural and subtle effect. This is often for people just starting out with Botox.
People with deeper wrinkles who explicitly choose not to completely eliminate muscles. This way, you maintain expression in the face and wrinkles do not get the chance to deepen.

In some cases, a person’s frown wrinkle goes away after only 8 units of Botox and the remaining units can be spread to other areas. You won’t know this until you’ve had Botox treatment more than once. Botox often works slightly differently on everyone; by working with your doctor to see what works best for you, you can use Botox optimally against wrinkles.

Precision for baby Botox

With low-dose Botox, it is extremely important that it is injected properly to work optimally. When you inject Botox in the right place, exactly that muscle is temporarily eliminated and you achieve the desired result. Therefore, always choose an injectables specialist with years of experience.

In short, if you are looking for a subtle and natural result with Botox then a treatment with baby Botox may be extremely suitable for you. It is the perfect treatment to address wrinkles preventively. As a result, you slow down the natural aging process. Keep in mind that baby Botox wears off sooner than a full dose. Let a cosmetic doctor advise you if you are interested in Botox treatment. If after two weeks you are still not happy with the dosage of baby Botox you can always go for a full dosage.

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