Profhilo has recently been added to The Body Clinic’s skin-enhancing and anti-aging treatments. Profhilo focuses on “natural anti-aging” and thus fits seamlessly with The Body Clinic’s vision, which also values natural results. Our initial experience with Profhilo treatments has been extremely positive. Profhilo proves itself as a high quality, effective lunch-time treatment for face, neck, arms, hands and more, is virtually painless, gives long-lasting results and is highly effective. We set out below.

Profhilo treatment

At some point, many of us get a need for tighter skin. We want to age in style and can use a little help in doing so. However, no one likes to go under the knife. This is why The Body Clinic focuses attention on innovative treatments with beautiful results that are minor as procedures. The latest Profhilo treatment seems to approximate your and our needs quite nicely.

profhilo logo

Hyaluronic Acid

The Body Clinic has extensive experience with all kinds of injectables, including hyaluronic acid-based fillers; a substance produced naturally in the body that is used to add volume to fill in wrinkles, for example. ‘Body specific’ is an advantage because it minimizes the risk of allergic reactions. Because the body breaks down hyaluronic acid itself, each treatment is temporary. Furthermore, hyaluronic acid can be removed, so a setback can be undone in an instant. In short, hyaluronic acid is a particularly pleasant product. Now Profhilo is coming out with a new hyaluronic acid treatment. What makes this treatment special?

Anti-aging treatment

Profhilo promises skin firming without volume – a welcome addition to skin-improving treatments where volume is key. Profhilo owes this option to its composition, method and step-by-step structure. This anti-aging treatment consists solely of hyaluronic acid with no unnatural additives, making it safer than safe. It spreads quickly under the skin for natural results. Profhilo’s method is innovative in this regard: at strategically selected locations of an area to be treated – for example, the neck – a dozen mini-pricks are made each time. Those punctures are hardly felt and nothing is seen afterwards. Thus, an overall improvement of the skin is obtained.

Areas Profhilo

Profhilo can be used on the face, neck, décolleté, yes even on upper arms and hands, so its applicability is great. This treatment is there for everyone, but is an excellent starter treatment. Profhilo is also anti-aging in the sense that one can use it to counteract initial global skin laxity, i.e., before wrinkles or volume loss occur. The Profhilo experience proves best as a cure. Only after a second and third treatment are improvements evident. After a cure, it is advisable to keep the results optimal with a bi-annual booster treatment.

profhilo face

neck profhilo

Skin Improvement

Profhilo is a beautiful spa treatment for those who want to combat skin sagging, for visible results now and delaying overall skin sagging in the future, not only for the face, but also for other skin areas, such as arms and hands.

From The Body Clinic, this treatment may be called a particularly recommended, additional treatment, with extensive applications for specific and overall skin improvement – a wonderful treatment that takes its rightful place among other skin-improving treatments, including those already existing with hyaluronic acid.

Cost Profhilo

The price of treatment are 350 euros per treatment.

Schedule a free consultation with one of our doctors now for advice and information about this treatment.

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