Are you considering a rhinoplasty?

You would like to change something about your nose, but a rhinoplasty at a plastic surgeon’s office is resisting you. Fortunately, there are other options for changing something about your nose, such as rhinoplasty through fillers. You don’t need full anesthesia, you don’t have to deal with a long recovery time, within 30 minutes you are done and you have immediate results.

Crookedness, a lump or a dent in your nose irritates you and this is something you would like to change. You nose is not as you would have liked. A particular sport or an accident may also have caused you to be unhappy with your nose. A rhinoplasty has often crossed your mind, but you find the surgery too expensive and it carries too many risks. Also, you read a lot of negative rhinoplasty experiences on the Internet, so you are very reluctant to have surgery.

A surgical rhinoplasty is no small thing. You must be completely under anesthesia and you will be very blue in your face usually for two weeks. This forces you to take time off from work. It also appears that many negative experiences about rhinoplasty can be read. After the surgical rhinoplasty, people are often not immediately satisfied and therefore prefer to undergo a second rhinoplasty with all its risks and costs.

Rhinoplasty with fillers

At The Body Clinic, we perform non-operative rhinoplasty, also known as liquid rhinoplasty. You will be anesthetized only locally with an anesthetic cream. There is no cutting, in fact, rhinoplasty is performed with hyaluronic acid-based fillers. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in the body itself that has a hydrating and collagen boosting effect on the skin. Using a very thin needle or cannula, the filler is inserted into the area to be treated. Results are visible almost immediately. There will always be a little swelling, likewise there may be small bruises, but this is easy to get rid of with makeup. You don’t have to pay extremely high amounts to get to the nose you have in mind. Within an hour, you will walk out of our clinic with a nose you are happy with.

Free consultation rhinoplasty

Prior to treatment, we recommend that you visit us for a no-obligation consultation. During this consultation, the doctor will determine if your nose is suitable for a liquid rhinoplasty. You can also discuss your needs with one of our physicians. After all, your wishes must be achievable with fillers. We cannot give you a completely new nose with fillers alone. Making a wide nose suddenly narrow is an impossible request. However, we can give the nose an elevator to raise a somewhat drooping nose tip. Much can be accomplished with fillers, though it is recommended that you come in for a consultation first. A surgical rhinoplasty is certainly not the only outcome to make your nose the way you want it. Moreover, rhinoplasty experiences with fillers are many times better.

After the liquid rhinoplasty, we recommend cooling the area with a cold pack. We will give you these at our us the clinic. Also, direct contact with bright sun is not recommended and you should not use the tanning bed, sauna or intensive facials.

Making an appointment at our clinic in Amsterdam or Duiven

You can get a rhinoplasty at our clinic in Amsterdam and Duiven.

Doctors at The Body Clinic are BIG registered, members of NVCG and cosmetic doctor KNMG. We have a clinic in Amsterdam and Duiven.
Call us now for a free consultation: 020-4638668 or by email: [email protected].

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