What are smoking lines?

Smoker’s lines occur mostly in people who smoke, but you can get them even if you have never smoked. That smoking is not conducive to the condition of the skin is well known. The constant contraction of the mouth muscles while inhaling a cigarette creates wrinkles around the mouth. This is why they are popularly called smoker’s lines or pleated skirts.

What can you do about smoking lines?

With fillers, wrinkles around the mouth can be treated well. When there is significant loss of volume around the mouth, we recommend filler treatment. But when there is little to no volume loss, treatment with botox may be an option. Botulinum toxin causes the muscles around your mouth to temporarily relax, allowing wrinkles and lines to recede. A combination of fillers and botox is also an option.

What is the cause of these lines?

Vertical wrinkles above the lips have several causes. Smoking is certainly one of them, but ultraviolet light exposure, facial expression (such as spouts of the mouth), heredity and age also play a role.


Smoker’s lines usually run from the nose to the lip and can make your face look older. By having a filler treatment for smoker’s lines performed at The Body Clinic, the lines above your lip will be less visible for about a year. After one treatment, you will see immediate results and have a younger appearance.

You can never start too early with treating smoking lines. Indeed, when the lines have existed for a long time, small scars appear. These scars make wrinkles more difficult to remove.

Before treatment

We ask that you be present 30 minutes before your appointment so you can fill out a medical questionnaire and we can take pictures of you for your records at The Body Clinic. We then lubricate the wrinkles above the lip with numbing ointment (emla). After it has set in, the treatment begins. Of course, the doctor will first discuss your wishes and the options for fulfilling them. The hyaluronic acid filler is injected into the skin through a needle.

After the treatment of smoking lines

After treatment, the area around the mouth may be somewhat swollen. There may also be some bruising. We recommend cooling the treated areas after treatment at our clinic. We provide you with ice packs. The hyaluronic acid fillers we use have visible results for about 12 months.

Treatment at our clinic in Amsterdam or Duiven

Always good to know is that we use hyaluronic acid-based fillers at The Body Clinic. These fillers are temporary and also dissolvable should the results not be desired. You are welcome for a free consultation.

Price treatment smoking lines

Treating the wrinkles above the lip (smoker’s lines) with hyaluronic acid including lip lines costs 600 euros.

Appointment at The Body Clinic

The consultation and treatment is always performed by a physician. The doctors at The Body Clinic are BIG registered, members of NVCG and cosmetic doctor KNMG.
Call us now for a free consultation: 020-4638668 or contact us by email:
[email protected]

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