What are crow’s feet?

Crow’s feet are also called laugh lines. Laughter or the contraction of the eyes due to bright sunlight, for example, causes the muscles around the eyes to tighten. Moreover, smoking also contributes greatly to the appearance of crow’s feet. The wrinkles around the eyes look a bit like the paw of a crow. Crow’s feet can be perceived as charming, But when they remain in the skin due to reduced elasticity, they are usually perceived as distracting. Wrinkles often originate under the eyes and extend to the side of the eye.

Why botox against crow’s feet?

A good solution for these so-called crow’s feet is treatment with botox. Relaxing the muscle around the eye can reduce wrinkles around the eye. Even incipient laugh lines can be treated well with a few injections of botox. The skin around the eyes will then become visibly smoother and you will have a fresher look.

Fillers in the crow’s feet

When crow’s feet have become deeper and permanent over the years, botox treatment is not always enough. Due to volume loss in the face, wrinkles can be deep in the skin making volume restoration a necessity. Treatment with hyaluronic acid fillers combined with botox can sometimes be the best solution then. We always recommend that you first request a no-obligation consultation with The Body Clinic. The cosmetic doctor can then determine which treatment is most effective for you. We are happy to provide customized advice with a natural result in mind.

The botox crow’s feet treatment

Botox treatment for crow’s feet can easily be performed during your lunch break from work. After photos are taken and you complete a health statement and treatment agreement, treatment can begin immediately. About 6-8 punctures are made in the muscles around the eyes. The treatment takes 15 minutes at most. After treatment, virtually nothing is visible externally. You can resume your daily activities in no time. Cooling is not necessary.

The result of botox treatment of your crow’s feet

After about 4-7 days, the results of the botox treatment can be seen and you can expect a rested and fresh eye look. If you keep repeating the crow’s feet treatment and start it early, it will ensure that the laugh lines around your eyes have no chance of success. Results are visible after the first treatment for an average of about 3 to 4 months. After multiple treatments, results are visible for an average of 4 to 5 months. This is different for each person.

Where can you make an appointment?

We have a clinic in Amsterdam and a clinic in Duiven (near Arnhem) where you can go for a botox treatment for your crow’s feet. The doctors at The Body Clinic are BIG registered, members of NVCG and cosmetic doctor KNMG. Call us now for a free consultation: 020-4638668 or contact us by email:
[email protected]

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